Pat Nolan Blog

Licensed wisdom XIX

-- a collection of notable quotes

“Any business that has a significant level of public footfall, businesses in the service industry, pubs, hotels and restaurants are being hammered with significant insurance increases” – Deputy Michael McGrath in a recent Private Members Motion on Insurance Costs.



“On behalf of DIGI and of Heineken Ireland I can say that if misuse is reduced and we sell less product, we’ll have succeeded. It’s about behaviour change. It’s vital that young people understand the dangers of misuse and delay their first drink. If this can be done, Ireland will have a better relationship with alcohol. I ask that the government does not make excise a blunt instrument for tackling alcohol abuse but works together with us on changing behaviour” – DIGI Chair and Chief Executive of Heineken Ireland Maggie Timmoney at the launch of this year’s Support Your Local campaign.

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